Midi Router Homepage

Midi Input
Midi Output
User Interface


" Midi Router " is a software acting as a Midi Thru device. Each received message can be blocked or forwarded, eventually with some transformation.

Midi input

Input device

The input device is selected among the list of all the midi drivers installed.

Recognized message

This software recognizes only Voice messages. Other messages are ignored.

Input channels

The software can be configured to listen on one or more midi channels. Messages coming from unselected channels are ignored.

Note filtering

For each input channel, a minimum note and a maximum note are defined. Only the notes coming from this range are forwarded.

Message type filtering

For each input channel, it is possible to define which message type must be forwarded, among the following list :

Midi Output

Output device

The output device is selected among the list of all the midi drivers installed. This can be a soundcard synthesizer as well as a real synthesizer connected on the soundcard midi output.

Channel settings

The following settings can be applied independently on each channel :

User Interface

The user interface is quite self-explained. Each output channel is represented by a sliding button. The minimum and maximum forwarded notes can be defined by sliding the left or right tab. Clicking on the button itself calls the channel configuration window. The whole configuration can be (re)stored using the File menu.


When running in this mode, several configurations are pre-selected. The software automatically opens the next configuration when a dedicated, user-defined, midi message is received. This message can be entered by hand or acquired from any midi input device.


Main window
Output channel configuration window
MultiMode configuration


To download the latest release, see the SourceForge project page

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